1120 Maple Street
White River Junction, VT
Watson Upper Valley Dog Park is one and a half acres and is fenced. Dogs may be off-leash in the park. . Amenities include separate small-dog play area, benches, picnic tables, water, double-gated entries, waste disposal systems and containers, signage, kiosk for information. Open to everyone. Plenty of shade. Water for dogs available on site.
Hours: May to January; dawn to 9 p.m.
Prohibited: Aggressive dogs, dogs under four months of age, dogs in heat or sick, prong, spike or choke collars. Dogs must wear a current dog license and rabies tag. If your dog is being a bully, you should remove your dog from the park.
People rules: Children under age 8 are not permitted in the park and older children must be supervised by an adult. No food, smoking, alcohol or drinks in glass containers allowed. Clean up and dispose of dog feces; at first sign of aggression, remove your dog from the park; keep your dog in sight and maintain reasonable control at all times; carry a leash for each dog at all times; no more than two dogs per owner; leash your dog walking to and from car.